
All mirrors are not created equal, and neither are all mirror manufacturers. Although the recipes may be very close, the right kitchen can mean a big difference. We at Virginia Mirror spent more than $2.5 million on our "kitchen." As a result, the products we produce are as near perfect as any mirror can be, and our service is second to none.

Since 1913, successive generations of Virginia Mirror's founding family have supported our business with the classic principles of quality, craftsmanship, and service. This basic philosophy has proven to be the foundation of our stability. As a leader in the industry, our company has experienced its share of frustrations with new technology. But as methods and materials have matured, so have our techniques and quality controls. During the decade preceding our expansion, improved paint formulas were developed and application systems improved. To take advantage of this welcome progress, Virginia Mirror began planning the "ultimate" silvering line, which would combine our seventy five years of experience with the best high tech tools.

The Reality - Today that line is in place, along with an enormous plant expansion to facilitate it. Over 500 feet long, a continuous conveyor speeds and slows, heats and cools, bathes, coats, seals, and bakes converting sheets of raw glass up to 130" wide into flawlessly executed mirrors ready for distribution.

Throughout the process, quality control engineers monitor temperature and tolerances, safeguarding the reputation of a visionary company committed to excellence.